Side Effects of Clomiphene Citrate

When it comes to the side effects of Clomiphene Citrate, you will find this to be one of the shortest discussions we’ll ever have. Anything you put in your body carries possible side effects, but thankfully the possible side effects of Clomiphene Citrate are minimal. Even so, regardless of how low the probability may be, side effects must always be addressed. This is not a concept unique to the side effects of Clomiphene Citrate or any SERM, but a concept that holds true with all things in life. For example, things like Aspirin carry potential side effects, and even many of the foods we eat can cause adverse reactions such as dairy products and nuts. Of course, most people can consume such things without any problems, but the side effects should be recognized should problems arise.

Visual Side Effects of Clomiphene Citrate:

Visually related side effects of Clomiphene Citrate appear to be the most common. When we say common, this does not mean most will have an issue, but rather if any issue does occur it will be the most common. When it comes to the side effects of Clomiphene Citrate of a visual nature, if this occurs it usually refers to a slight blur in vision or hazy eyesight. Spotty vision or flashes can occur, but most of these symptoms will normally fade away once use is discontinued in a few days. If the side effects of Clomiphene Citrate of a visual nature occur, you are encouraged to find another SERM to meet your needs. It should be noted, those who use the SERM for long periods of time and fall prey to the related visual side effects of Clomiphene Citrate risk permanent damage.

Clomiphene Citrate,Steroids,Clomiphene

Rare Side Effects of Clomiphene Citrate:

While the side effects of Clomiphene Citrate are rare, there are some who won’t be able to use this SERM based on a few discomforting occurrences. Some individuals may experience nausea or vomiting, about 2%, and about 1% of all who use the SERM will have headaches. Overall abdominal discomfort may also occur in about 5% of users, but while rare, the most common of the rare side effects of Clomiphene Citrate will revolve around female use. Approximately 14% will experience ovarian enlargement. Another possible female reaction, while extremely rare would be excess uterine bleeding; approximately 1% of all women will suffer from this ill effect.

Testosterone Side Effects of Clomiphene Citrate:

The most common use of this SERM revolves around post cycle therapy; the period of use designed to stimulate natural testosterone production after a cycle of anabolic steroids has come to an end. With the high influx of natural testosterone, some men may find acne to appear. Normally this will occur on the back, shoulders or chest if it occurs at all. Severe breakouts are extremely rare; however, you may find a few large zits pop up, but if they do they will fade away once use is discontinued. This is probably the least concerning of all the side effects of Clomiphene Citrate, and more importantly is worth the risk when we’re talking about testosterone recovery.